Cause of Depression: The Viewpoint of Esogetic Medicine
To track down the cause of depression is an important method of resolution, when accompanying people with depressive disorders. Unfortunately the topic of “depression” is still a taboo subject, especially within the family. This results from the fact that the nature of depression is very difficult to diagnose in clinical terms.
Characteristic of Depression
Depression is a disease.
In psychology depression belongs to the neurotic diseases. Though we encounter many individual types of progression under the term “depression”, the basic symptomatology, which can always be found, can be summarized in the following main encumbrances:
1. The basic mood is one of fear or strong sadness.
2. The thinking and the feeling levels of the depressive person are inhibited.
3. Emotional and psychosomatic processes are functionally disturbed.
4. There usually is an involvement of the physical functions in depression. The heartbeat and blood pressure are decreased. The appetite is poor, digestion often is very bothersome, breathing becomes slower and onerous. Sleep does not go deep.
5. What patients sense the most is an unsurmountable apathy; the “allure of life” is meaningless to these folks. There are no projected goals or they are disintegrating. Self-loathing, feelings of inferiority, self-reproach and especially guilt feelings coin the image of depression.
As the psychologists report, causes are hard to come by. Often the most commonplace causes play a role in triggering this disease. Some incident drives the individual into a sudden melancholic state, inexplicable to the therapist or psychologist.
There are three different types of depression:
1. The endogenous depression. Endogenous means “coming from the inside”. The diagnostic focus is on diseases of the brain metabolism.
2. Somatogenic depression, one that is caused by the body. Here we usually find severe physical diseases like cancer, a state after myocardial infarct or chronic pain diseases. The situation is marked through “despair”, “why me?”, “why did this fate have to strike me?” and others.
3. Psychogenic depression, one that is based on an emotional conflict. This grouping is the most common and also the most difficult to diagnose. Depressive disease that has been triggered through emotional conflicts has to be treated through the specific conflict, in order to be returned to normalcy.
If we characterize depressed individuals, we can find certain essential attributes, which are identical in all the different groups. The outstanding one is the quest for love, which expands to an insatiable hunger for love that cannot be satisfied anywhere. On the other hand depressed people are unable to give love. This dilemma is completed through the low self-esteem ( “love your neighbor as you love thyself…”) of the ill individual.
Cause of Depression: Roots in Childhood
Psychologists assume that the cause of depression is to be found in the childhood of the diseased person. Esogetic medicine is able to demonstrate this relatively well through the Energetic Emission Analysis. Contrary to popular opinion Esogetics assumes that in a depression – like in all diseases – the spirit-soul-body unity is involved equally.
In the spirit, the mind of the person, the individual program, we find learning processes that cannot be erased or that cannot flow “upwards” so that they can be “listened to”. The emotional structure has already been subject to considerable disruptions either prenatally or at the ages of three, six, nine or twelve. The proximity to the parents and the love they are giving and the sense of being protected play an extraordinary role during these ages. Often children are educated towards perfectionism by their parents. The mirror functions of the parents are expressing envy, jealousy or aggression in childhood (thought of revenge, revenging oneself on the immediate environment for an often miserable childhood).
The body as the third instrument in the unity of spirit-soul-body is the one who suffers. The loss of synchronization in this unity that is directed from the inside towards the outside disrupts or destroys the communication of cells, organs and tissues in most cases.
Esogetic medicine is offering support for people with depression in a variety of ways. Esogetic therapists are pursuing holistic approaches. Workshops that dedicate themselves to this topic are providing information for those affected.
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