Treating Psychological Stress And Trauma Constructively
Especially in this field Esogetic Medicine is able to offer substantial progress. For us spirit, soul and body and their interaction are the one and only life-system. A bit more precisely: We are convinced that spirit and psyche move matter. A simple thought: Let us care for the psyche in the same way that we care for our skin. How much easier would our life be? This way for example:
Managing Stress
If we want to promote resistance to stress, it is worthwhile to contemplate the hierarchy of its origination. Without any doubt stress itself is healthy. But only, if after the tension there also is relaxation! It is important to identify the cascade of events early on, and to strengthen one’s inherent stabilizing mechanisms. The skin is offering itself to us therapists as a giant hologram. A kind of information storage that reflects the inner as well as the outer. The finely tuned applications of Colorpuncture help us in changing destructive impressions, so that a healthy sequence of tension and conscious, good relaxation can become the rule of your day again.
Treating Burn-Out.
If “burn-out” is the translation for “loss of fire”, then it implies that there must have been a gigantic fire before. Such a “fire” always generates “stress”. Most authors do agree on this point, that stress that keeps going is the first step towards a burn-out syndrome. The treatment success hinges on the patient’s attitude. He has to be willing to take responsibility in finding a new lifestyle and especially a new way of working.
In Esogetic Medicine sleep is of utmost importance for this topic. We have to especially focus on the sleep rhythms. Peter Mandel has been able to discover and describe 150 zones on the skin that have been defined as so called “basic zones”.
Depressive Moods.
Depressive moods that have been triggered through emotional conflicts should be treated through the specific conflict and thus be restored to normalcy. Esogetic Medicine is convinced that the entire unity of spirit-soul-body is involved in the disease. In the spirit-mind arena certain learning processes have been programmed that cannot be deleted. The emotional structure on the other hand may already have been subjected to some deformation prenatally or during the childhood years. The mirroring function of the parents plays a big role in this regard. The body as the third instrument in this unity is the one who suffers. In most cases the loss of synchronization in the unity of spirit-soul-body, directed from the inside towards the outside, disturbs or destroys the communication of the cells, organs and tissues.
The Energetic Emission Analysis is an extraordinary instrument to delineate the three levels of spirit-soul-body and their relationships. An overall topography of the individual landscape becomes recognizable and may thus be treated.
Seminars & Workshops for Beginners
Improving and Maintaining health with Colorpuncture according to Peter Mandel
Since its beginning Esogetic medicine has been open for everyone.
We are emphatically welcoming your curiosity to start experiencing our methods of thought and treatment.
This is intended to address our customers’ wish for simple and easily understandable instruction on how to conduct a treatment at home. In small steps and with expert guidance you will be instructed and trained in how to apply Colorpuncture safely on yourself and your family.
Our international partners offers various workshops.
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