Discover long forgotten resources
Sleep is of special importance in Esogetic Medicine. If we are recuperating in a deep sleep state, then we are in balance. The reverse holds true as well. We are able to address questions like: Insomnia – what to do? Power nap – how do you do that? and: Expanding performance potential – what forces can I mobilize?
Insomnia, what to Do?
A simple question keeps coming up for people, who are active in the middle of life: Insomnia, what to do? Sleep is the most important regenerating force in our lives. It is as essentially necessary as food and drink. Body and brain recover, metabolic toxins are eliminated and emotional conflicts are put in order. One basic distinction exists: Natural sleep is based on tiredness, toxic sleep is based on exhaustion. New insights also distinguish between the amount of sleep and the sleep rhythms. Especially a changed rhythm can lead to the development of diseases. The lab values of for instance blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid clearly prove that. Peter Mandel has developed methods to regulate the sleep rhythms, to promote the readiness for sleep, to stimulate dreams and even more important: to activate dreams around certain topics. Exactly defined areas on the skin play a central part in this. Peter Mandel has been able to discover and describe more than 150 dream zones on the skin. Among these are the so-called “basic zones” of sleep. Healthy sleep does not only play a part in the management of daily tasks, but it is also crucial for the personal identification of one’s life-path. Peter Mandel takes it as a fact that the instructions of the soul are finding their way into daytime consciousness only, when the sleep is healthy.
Training the Power Nap
Your grandparents already knew: A good nap can heighten your concentration by 100 percent. The only thing different is that siesta, catnap and snooze are called power napping nowadays. For this purpose Peter Mandel has developed a 15 minute program, which can release external stress. Depending on the type of stress the appropriate induction program is applied to defined zones on your skin. The patented SYNAPSIS home device activates your own “forgotten” wave patterns in your consciousness. It is an easy to use and completely individual application.
The heptathlon athlete Christina Kiffe about her energy management
My name is Christina Kiffe. I am a student and heptathlete. In addition to my studies I am pursuing competitive sports, heptathlon to be exact. It encompasses the disciplines of 200 m sprint, 800 m run, 100 m hurdle race, high jump, shot put, long jump and javelin throw. After the training I often return to the university, or the other way around.
I am continuously asking myself “How do I progress in sports and my profession, how do I activate the highest possible potential physically and mentally, and how do I stay internally balanced and healthy at the same time?”
I would be pleased, if you are able to receive one or the other stimulus for your own ‘disciplines’ from me. Have a good time and wishing you a good run always!
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Seminars & Workshops for Beginners
Improving and Maintaining health with Colorpuncture according to Peter Mandel
Since its beginning Esogetic medicine has been open for everyone.
We are emphatically welcoming your curiosity to start experiencing our methods of thought and treatment.
This is intended to address our customers’ wish for simple and easily understandable instruction on how to conduct a treatment at home. In small steps and with expert guidance you will be instructed and trained in how to apply Colorpuncture safely on yourself and your family.
Our international partners offers various workshops.
Back to balance!
Here you will find products that support your long forgotten resources
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