Pain is a Symbol arising from the Depth
Pain is only supposed to be a symbol? That sounds provocative! Yet there is an indisputable consensus. According to the tenets of Esogetic Medicine everything proceeds from the “subtle” to the “gross”. From the deepest layers of our consciousness to the physical reaction. Therefore it is worthwhile, to pay attention to the deepest layers. That is the place not only for the cause of pain, but also that of happiness. Effective stress management has to start at this point. Then the reversal can successfully take place. Suffering turns into joy. This way for example:
What to Do about Headaches?
In regard to the topic of headaches we need to think differently! A beginning step can be the exact localization of the pain in the head area. Is the right or the left side involved? The left-sided one is the intellect dominated type, the right-sided one the intuitive type. Especially the more “tension prone individuals” should ask themselves well in advance: “Is the thinker dominating and controlling the information, or is the information taking charge of the thinker?”
A new direction will be the key for psychic relaxation and in the long run it is more effective than any headache medication.
Treating Migraine in an Alternative Way.
In patients with migraine Esogetic Medicine perceives a conflict between feeling and thinking – between the gut and the head.
Esogetic Medicine also considers the relationship between head and pelvis as a central pathway for a resolution. By developing the special therapy of the “inverted human” a successful treatment for those complaints has been created.
Treating Back Pain Sensibly
“Each muscular action creates movement, and each movement is the basis for consciousness”, states the scientist and physicist M. Feldenkrais. Many psychological and emotional states manifest through the unconscious movement process. The spine represents the human being in its entirety. It is the seat of the soul axis. Willy Penzel, the founder of the acupoint massage, put it in words to this effect: ” When the soul axis has been displaced, the individual in his totality is no longer in his center.”
If we look more closely at the spine through the Esogetic lens, we come up with first ideas of a solution. The upper cervical spine for example has a lot to do with fear, confusion and rejection – towards oneself and others. Complaints of the lower cervical spine arise from problems in showing feelings and expressing oneself. The mid-thoracic spine then shows rage, pain, “chewing on old problems”.
The lumbar spine area signifies fears that have been “adopted” in childhood: The fear to do something wrong and to not be loved.
As indicated we are looking at bones, muscles and joints in a larger context. That opens up a whole array of impacts.
Our temporary conclusion is: By resolving blockages in the subconscious using Esogetic Colorpuncture, we quite often are able to achieve an improvement in the areas of the spine and the musculoskeletal system. We are able to identify embedded negative feedback loops and are training a healthy sequence.
Treating Chronic Pain Holistically
In our life all organs, systems or functional cell connections seem to have a specific place of resonance. In the case of normal information there is a harmonious reflection among these.
In the case of chronic pain this reflection does not seem to be adequate anymore. The so-called “mirror theory” is of purely empirical importance for the holistic therapist.
The question is why nerve cells create a pain memory, though the original cause has been dealt with for a long time. From a holistic viewpoint both topics that of the pain memory and the cause should be taken into account.
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Seminars & Workshops for Beginners
Improving and Maintaining health with Colorpuncture according to Peter Mandel
Since its beginning Esogetic medicine has been open for everyone.
We are emphatically welcoming your curiosity to start experiencing our methods of thought and treatment.
This is intended to address our customers’ wish for simple and easily understandable instruction on how to conduct a treatment at home. In small steps and with expert guidance you will be instructed and trained in how to apply Colorpuncture safely on yourself and your family.
Our international partners offers various workshops.
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