Disease is a journey.
In manifest diseases the journey is already well underway. Deplorably it moves into the wrong direction. We are posing ourselves the question: Where, why and when has the individual lost his equilibrium? The appreciation of the individual life and disease situation requires an intensive conversation between the therapist and the patient, but also between the patient and his environment.
Foe example:
Combinations with Classical Medical Therapies.
As mentioned previously we are considering our position here as an addition and combination with other classical medical procedures.
Whenever standard and technical medicine is being used in a way that is sensible and respectful of the human being, Colorpuncture becomes an excellent partner.
One of our central terms is “conflict stress”. That means that there always has to be an initial conflict, which cannot be resolved, before the immune system capitulates. The conflict stress is permanently secreting certain hormones. That makes it so dangerous. The question is, whether we are able to induce conflict resolutions? We believe we can.
Let us give the rhythm back to the cell.
Spirit, soul and body together form the exposé of individual existence. It wants to be manifested in the timeframe of one’s life. Therefore disease is simply a communication problem.
Our goal is to return you from “stasis” back your life dynamic.
All conflict resolution therapies of Esogetic Medicine have a common concept. The theories and hypotheses that we have formed are well placed in the different approaches of scientific research, particularly in the new direction of neurogastroenterology.
Thus we state: ”Disease is nothing else, but the loss of the ability of the single cell to regulate itself in its vibratory behavior.” Therefore Colorpuncture is of very special importance in regard to the energetic balancing.
Example: Rheumatic Diseases.
Rheumatic complaints are painful tissue changes, which occur primarily around the joints and within the muscles. Rheumatism can have an acute, subacute or chronic progression. There are tissue and muscle swellings, joint deformation and sclerosis.
We know that this disease has a direct connection to the endocrine track.
As the hormones very definitively influence the area of feelings, we find a close connection between emotional disturbances and changes in the connective tissue and musculoskeletal system. Consequently the dynamic process of “homeostasis” becomes the central focus of our considerations.
Example: Diabetes in Esogetic Holistic Medicine
Diabetes belongs to the group of metabolic diseases. The term “diabetes mellitus” derives from the Greek and means “honey-sweet discharge”. It describes the elimination of sugar in the urine. In this case the pancreas becomes the center of our attention.
Only the most recent research emphasizes the topic of stress in diabetes. The stress and the internal tension of an individual promote some fatal interactions, leading to invalid information starting in a ping-pong fashion the destruction of the lowest level of our life.
These connections seem central to us. With the help of the Energetic Emission Analysis, in short EEA, we are able to demonstrate for instance some essential relationships. In regard to the Function Circle Spleen-Pancreas/Stomach important causal connections show up long before the manifest disease.
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Seminars & Workshops for Beginners
Improving and Maintaining health with Colorpuncture according to Peter Mandel
Since its beginning Esogetic medicine has been open for everyone.
We are emphatically welcoming your curiosity to start experiencing our methods of thought and treatment.
This is intended to address our customers’ wish for simple and easily understandable instruction on how to conduct a treatment at home. In small steps and with expert guidance you will be instructed and trained in how to apply Colorpuncture safely on yourself and your family.
Our international partners offers various workshops.
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